The aim of the Basics series is to scrutinise critically the debate on architecture and urban development and also to help shape it. The series creates a platform for established authors and committed young researchers who publish texts in their native language, thus imbuing the series with an international air.
Meuser, Philipp
Collection of 49 essays searching for new ways to theorise sub-Saharan African architecture, putting forward an array of heterogeneous perspectives, questioning old tropes and emerging narratives, and challenging popular concepts whilst proposing new ones.
Sedov, Vladimir
Alshalfan, Sharifa
The Multiplex Typology explores the unplanned hybrid typology that emerged in Kuwait in response to certain economic, sociocultural, and regulatory constraints.
Jung, Inha
Exploring home culture and daily life of North Koreans to capture the actual life of those who have largely supported the country's unique but dictatorial political system.
Neumann, Dietrich
This volume presents the history of Villa Wolf in Gubin and documents the recent excavation of the basement as well as the graphic reconstruction as a prerequisite for the building's reconstruction.
Atoche Intili, Javier
A monograph focusing on the study of the most active European designers in 1940s Peru, including the Austrian Richard Neutra, the German-born Paul Lester Wiener and the Spaniard Josep Lluis Sert.
Meuser, Philipp
A collection of essays on architectural theory providing academic food for thought while encouraging reflection on the discipline of architecture and stimulating urban design in the twenty-first century.
Treffers, Fulco
Multidisciplinary team of architects, planners, Mariupol residents, and outside experts envision of the rebirth of Mariupol following its liberation.