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Manufacturing and Industrial

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The Proto-Industrial Architecture of the Veneto: in the Age of Palladio

Howard, Deborah
An exploration of the hitherto neglected architectural legacy of the boom in manufacturing in the Veneto in the Renaissance, exploiting natural materials, inventive new technologies, and clean, renewable water-power.
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The People's Factory

Kristian Krog
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Industrial Britain: An Architectural History

Pragnell, Hubert J.
Industrial Britain details the fascinating history of industrial architecture in Britain by architectural historian and artist, Hubert Pragnell.
excluding shipping

The Nuclear Dream: The Hidden Worldof Atomic Energy

Ludewig, Bernhard
The Nuclear Dream o ffers an insight into a disappearing world whose rooms and technology often appear sacred - a fitting tribute to an era of boundless energy - one whose blue glow captured a generation and proclaimed the start of a new era.
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Former Wine Warehouse Trieste

Molinari, Luca
The story of the recovery and transformation of the 19th century home of the former wine warehouse on the seaside boulevard of Trieste.
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City Made - TRANS Architectuur, Stedenbouw

Rappaport, Mark Brearley, Job Floris, Ni
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Transformation Strijp-S

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Cleanroom Design

Whyte, W.
A clean environment is essential for modern industrial manufacturing. A cleanroom is designed to ensure that a product is not contaminated-without this assurance many products such as microcircuits, optical systems and pharmaceutical and medical devices could not be manufactured.
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Buildings for Industrial Storage and Distribution

Drury, Jolyon
Suitable for the industrial storage and distribution industry, this is a manual of policy and practice. It provides information for those with empty buildings on their hands, those trying to find space for new and/or growing enterprises and those faced with the problem of how to manage multi-tenant, multi-use buildings.
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Bakery Design

Tzokas, Athanasios
The baking industry has seen a developing momentum in recent years.
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